Friday, December 12, 2014

4a) Make a final decision about your logical argument research topic. What is it? Questions to ask yourself:
What have we been studying in class this year? In school this year I have been studying the stock market, literature and Spanish.
Which subjects appeal to me? The subject that appeals to me was economics because I did the best in it this year.
What are people writing about? People are writing about the police brutality.
What's most interesting to me? I think abortion is most interesting because it is based upon woman's rights.
Can I find information about that? Yes, I can because this prompt is very famous topic that many people have many different opinion's about and their was many arguments over it.

4b) Why are you most interested in the topic of argument selected?
I am most interested in the topic I selected because we us as women fought for rights and we finally got it and now they want to take it away again. I believe in abortion to a certain extent. I don't believe that abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

  1. Should alcoholism be viewed as a disease or an addiction? Explain. Alcholism should be viewed as a addiction because once you continuously are using it your body becomes addicted and needs it to function. It is not an illness that many people view it as. 
  2. Should alcoholics be held solely responsible for their drinking habits? Why or why not? Yes they should because you have the choice weather or not to drink that drink nobody forces you too. 
  3. Should moderation treatment options be offered to alcoholics? Yes because sometimes some people need to actually need the push to understand and learn how to moderate it. 

  1. Does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 go far enough in offering employee protections against discrimination? No, they do not because there os still discrimination to this day many people are still judge apron skin color. 
  2. Is discrimination against LGBT employees harmful to society? If so, how? Yes it is because many people get discouraged and many people also take it personal.
  3. What should the federal government do to combat discrimination in employment? They should watch stores closer and make sure that it is not happening.
  4. Is age discrimination on the rise in the American workplace? Yes it s because discrimination is  very popular because there are judgmental people in this world.
  5. What should the federal government do, if anything, to combat wage discrimination? They should put  secret people to identify the people that are discrimination.

Monday, December 1, 2014

  1. Should abortion continue to be legal as stipulated by Roe v. Wade? Why or why not? Abortion should continue to be legal because it is a goal that women won. Roe vs Wade is an accomplishment that us as women has accomplished. Women should be able to make the choice weather or not they should be able to have the baby or not.
  2. What are the medical implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act?  They decided to uphold this act because once the fetus becomes a human after a certain amount of weeks. Once the fetus is developed it is illegal because that is as if you are killing a human.
  3. Are there any situations in which abortions should be declared illegal or be severely restricted? Yes there are, if you are using abortion as a form of birth control, or perfoming multiple abortions.
  4. Which side in the debate has been more successful in making their case on the issue of abortion and why? Anti abortion has been most successful because their argument is strong and it explains what abortion does to the females also how the child is being " killed ". They explain that the child grows inside of you and "god" puts it their for a reason.
  5. Based upon your understanding of the core beliefs and principles of the major camps in this discussion, is compromise possible? Why or why not? I think compromise is possible because I feel as if abortion should only be performed under circumstance's of rape, or the fetus is not fully developed yet. Many people wait a long time to perform abortions and the baby is already developing.

  1. Explain why you think professional athletes should or should not be subjected to testing for the use of illegal substances. I belive professional althese should be drug tested because they are getting fame in all the wrong ways if they are using drugs. There are drugs that make althese better then what they really are so I believe that they need to be test, so they can be the person that they are.
  2. Do you think mandatory testing of high school students for drug use is an effective deterrent? Why or why not? I do not belive this is effective because students are young and are going to do what they want. Students have a personal life and as long as they are not using drugs in school they should be able to have privacy.
  3. Is the expense involved in testing high school students for drug use justified, or could the money better be used for education and prevention programs? Explain. I think the money can be used for better programs because many schools need equipment and need new books. Many is wasted on drug test when students need a personal life and need to be able to do as they please outside of school.
  4. What are the benefits to the employer of screening employees for drug use? This is benefical because employees can mess up in the work force. Sometimes drugs can change a person and the person may not be the person that you hired even though they are. Drugs are very powerful and many people that use it takes over.

  1. Should couples stay together in a troubled marriage rather than divorce? Why or why not? No they should not because it is unhealthy, and sometimes it can lead into something eles like abuse.  If they are kids involved children can devlope personal issues and become angry.
  2. Are there any reasons why couples should divorce? Explain. Yes there are reasons because sometimes too people argue excessively and it becomes dangerous for others and sometimes the people involved.
  3. What steps do you think the government should take to encourage marriage and lower the divorce rate? I think that the government should make sure the couple is dating for a couple years before they decide to get marriage. Many just rush into the marriage thinking they are in love.
  4. What impact does divorce have on society- divorce can impact society because it becomes the new trend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Divorce-  Many positive things come out of getting a divorce, but also many negative things. 
1)Many people are unhappy which it becomes unhealthy to be in a relationship like that especially if their are kids involved, sometimes it makes things easier for the kids and the parents.
2) If you are being abused by your spouse, divorce is a pro because it gives you a chance to get away from he or she.
1) A divorce can separate a family, and in some cases the father or the mother does not see the child.
2) Divorce can sometimes mess up a child and make him or her depressed. 
Abortion - 
1) If the women is a rape victim then she might not want to carry a baby inside her that will remind her of the rape.
2) Sometimes the female is not ready for a child it is a big responsibility and it will bring the baby down.
1) A life is being taken, many people believe that it is not the right thing to do and it is murder. 
2) People over use abortion and thing it is a form of birth control. 

1) Sometimes alcohol is good during a family gathering to enjoy yourself, but good to a point that you don't over due it.
2) Sometimes alcohol can relax you after a long day, as long as your not abusing it.
1) Many people over use it and start to become abusive.
2) Many peoples livers fail because of it. 

Discrimination in workplace- In my opionion there is no pros about discrimination in the work place. 
1) Equal opportunity's are not giving to people.
2) Many people people that are not " white " can not get jobs to support there family. 
3) Many people loose homes because lack of work.
4) Many people can not afford to feed their family. 

Drug Testing- 
1) It can save the lives of many children.
2) It helps better assets the person, if he / she is capable to do something. 
3) If you get caught doing drugs many things can get taking away from you for example your job or children. 
4) It makes people uncomfortable and angry if they are not doing drugs. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

 Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.

Divorce- The topic of Divorce interest me because many of my peers and myself parents are not together. This topic is very common in todays society and many children have parents that are not together and it affects them in a serious way most of the time. Divorce does not only affect the parents but it affects the children.

Abortion - Abortion interest me cause their is a conflict, between abortion being legal and illegal and the church believes that it is not of good. Abortion is a topic that is kind of iffy on because many people get abortions for all the wrong reasons. Abortion should be legal for certain cases, there is also many other things to talk about with abortion the different types of abortions.

Alcoholism- Alcoholism interest me because my step father before he met my mother was an alcoholic and went to AAA and recovered. alcohol is a scary thing and takes over people, people are able to overcome it and in some cases they are not. This can be interesting for my research topic cause there is many factors that can be spoken about.

Discrimination in workplace- discrimination in the work place interest me because many of the people who hire, hire based on looks. Basing it on looks, color, and accent is one of the problems that we have in todays society. Mangers are very picky and précised about who they hire and most of the time get caught when they are doing this.

Drug Testing-  Drug testing interest me the most because I had seen first had with my family. Many people in my family abuse drugs and it upsets me because I loose contact with them. Many people in my family are also recovering attacks, and that makes me proud. This topic there are many different types of drugs to speak about and the type of way they can be in the body. Drug testing is very important because many people with kids abuse drugs and that is not fair to the kids. Drugs can change a person and the type of person they are so before you put them in a specific situation you must be drug tested and making sure you are the person you say you are.

What Ticks You off

What ticks you off ?

1) Teachers tick me off because they always expect so much from students espically seniors. 
2) Parents tick me off because they yell and complain and expect you to always know everything when they do not. 
3) Friends tick me off because when they do not get their way they start arguements with you. 
4) Relationships tick me off because its always an arguement and you have to explain yourself to your significant other.
5) Homework ticks  me off because alot of the time you learn something but sitting through all your other classes and the time till you get home you can manage to forget the material.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Homework #2

1. Why does the author, Nicholas Carr, feel like his mind is changing as a result of the Internet?
Nicholas Carr feels as if the Internet is changing his way of learning. The internet being discovered has made it easier for people to do research, before the internet you had to read book to get information on the topic that you wanted too. Carr feels since he has been using the internet for everything he has no patience to sit and read a book anymore. The internet gives you information on your topic within two seconds and a lot of time is saved with the internet. Carr feels as if most people are getting too use to the internet and not spending enough time reading a book to get information or just reading a book including himself. 

2. How does research today compare with doing library research in the old days, twenty and more years ago? (I know you weren't around 20 years ago, but answer this based on what knowledge you have gathered about libraries in your lifetime). 
The internet being discovered made it easier on people and saves a lot of time for people. 20 years ago you had to go to the library and spend a lot of time reading through several books to get the information you need. Now with the internet you can get the amount of information in 20 minutes where in the library it would take somebody one hour. 

3. How have Nicholas Carr's reading habits changed because of the Internet? Nicolas Carr reading habits has changed because he has been using the internet a lot more because it is easier then reading a dozen books to get the answer to a question or research on a topic. Nicolas Carr can not sit and read a book anymore because he does not have the patience he has to keep trying to get his mind back into the book after two pages.

4. How is reading online different than reading a long article or book? Explain. Reading a book is different from reading online because people do not use the knowledge they would use to read the book. Carr states that they do not use their " traditional sense" they use " power browse". When reading on the internet many people read in between the lines through the text, to just get the information because they can not sit and read it all. Many people feel like the internet is different from the book and so they do not have to sit and read.

5. Do you agree or disagree that our minds think like computers? Explain. Yes i do agree that most minds think like  computers because minds can think of many things where computers can do many things also. Minds can store a lot of information where computers also hold a lot of information. Books can not hold half as much information as the mind and a computer. 

6. Do you agree or disagree that the computer "is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies?" I do agree because the computer give a lot of information and has a lot of information that most technology can not provide that much information. The computer holds information about many topics. Many smart phones now include a computer in them in order to search the web.

7. Why do you think The New York Times changed its format? Do you think it was a good idea or a bad idea? Why? Yes I do think it was a good idea that the New York Times changed its format because they need to keep up with time to interest readers. The internet made it capable for New York times to make the format up to date. 

8. What does Nicholas Carr mean by "knowledge work?" Nicholas Carr means that knowledge comes with the amount of effort you put into your work. People who read bits and pieces and do not fully understand the article they are not receiving the same knowledge. In order to take in information and receive the knowledge you must focus on your readings.

9. Do you agree or disagree that Google has been successful in its mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful?" Yes i do agree that google has been successful in its mission to be accessible and useful to the people. Google is always accessible to people and gives people the information they need fast. Each time I used google it gave me the information on the topic and searching another keyword gave me more information on that topic. 

10. How does Google's mission compare with a library's mission in light of the fact that there is no fiction or nonfiction section on the Internet, but there is a fiction and a nonfiction section in a library, and that all the books are organized on the shelves in a library, but "scattered on the floor" of the Internet? Googles mission compares with a library because even though they do not have sections like the library you still can receive that information. It being scattered on the floor gives people an opertinuty to also receive other information. Even though in the library it is easier to find the genre of a book google holds more then a book.

11. Do you think it would be a good thing if your own brain and intelligence were "supplemented, or even replaced, by an artificial intelligence?" Why or why not? No I think a brain is natural because I feel as if the brain needs to learn things on its own. The brain being implanted with knowledge would defeat the purpose of learning. Their are many other things that the brain needs to store then just information on topics. 

12. Do you think that the human brain is "just an outdated computer that needs a faster processor and a bigger hard drive?" Why or why not?
 Yes I do because I feel as if the brain has a lot of similarities like a computer. The computer holds a lot of information like a brain can, the brain can recall things the way a computer can. Holding information is something the brain and computer have in common.

13. What do you think about your own surfing habits, the links you click on and the pages you view, being an opportunity for "Google and other companies to collect information about you and to feed you advertisements?"
 After reading this article I have realized that my owns surfing habits are bad. I realized that I do read between the lines like most people to to save time. Many people like myself get bits and pieces from websites and keep searching to make it easier on ourselves rather then reading a hole website.

14. How do your surfing habits compare to reading a book? Do you agree or disagree that companies online, collecting data about us by what we click on and view, are using subversive tactics to discourage "leisurely reading," and "slow, concentrated thought?" Are you yourself driven to distraction while on the Web? How or how not?
 My suffering habits compare to reading a book because either way reading on the internet or in person it is hard for me to focus either way. I do not believe that because I do not believe that they care because their is people that cans it and read.I am distracted while on the web and while reading a book because of my cell phone the t.v music and my thoughts. A lot of times i would be reading and my mind just is not into the book.

15. Do you agree with Socrates that the development of writing led to people using the written word as a substitute for the knowledge they carried around in their heads? Why or why not? 
No because either way the knowledge is still in the persons head. If you put something down on paper its still would be in the persons head, the knowledge that the brain is holding would not forget it.

16. Do you think the Internet is doing the same thing? Why or why not? How or how not?
 No I do not believe the internet is doing the same thing. I believe that the internet is advancing people and became a useful resource. Many people that were around before the internet do not believe this because books are what they grew up around, and some do not know how to use a computer. In my opinion this internet is giving you the same knowledge that 25 books would give you. 

17. How do your own reading habits compare to what Nicholas Carr describes in this article?
My reading habits are a lot like Nicolas Carr expect reading on the internet is hard for me to focus a lot. When I read a book it takes me a long time to actually get into it the book has to be at its climax for me to be able to sit and read it. It is easier for me to search the internet for information then read a book but I do not feel as if the internet makes you "stupid" because  if the information is accurate then it is the same that you would receive in a book.

18. So, do you think Google really is making us stupid? Why or why not? How or how not? I do not think google is really making us " stupid". I feel as if google is advancing us more then books do. In my opinion google is the same thing as going to a library and finding the information out. Google is just a faster and easier was to find the information on your topic. Some people believe that it is the reason that they do not read books anymore, in my opinion that has nothing to do with it. To me it is all in the mind because you are reading on the internet  the same way you are reading a book, it may be a little less but you still have to focus and read.